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  • A thorough understanding about blockchain technology. Create blockchain applications and Smart Contracts using Solidity language in Ethereum platform

Hello and welcome to The Complete Practical Guide To Blockchain Application Development


If you are going to ask me which is the Information Technology Domain that is going to change the future, without any doubt I would surely say its block chain based decentralized applications and smart contracts.


Put simply, blockchain is a transaction ledger that maintains identical copies across each member computer within a network. The interesting feature is that, once an information is placed inside a block of the block chain, the tampering or changing of it is impossible.


Governments and financial organizations have already invested millions of dollars into blockchain research and development and most of them have already implemented blockchain in financial services and record keeping.


Also blockchain based smart contracts are replacing the conventional paper contracts and other promissory deeds. Smart contract is an electronic contract that can execute itself after the conditions mentioned in the contact is full-filled. Since its also based in blockchain, once created, it cannot be tampered by anyone.


If you are a technology enthusiast or a programmer who wish to integrate blockchain in your applications, this is the right time to get yourself a thorough knowledge about the practical implementation of blockchain.


There are tons of material and books out there explains, the concepts, nuts and bolts of block chain. But only a very few of them explains how it can be practically implemented.


In this course, I have taken extreme care to keep a 30 / 70 percentage balance between the theoretical concepts and the practical implementation respectively.


After this course, you will get a clear idea of how and where to implement block chain in your existing software projects as well as your upcoming project ideas.


Here is the overview of the list of topics that I have included in this course


Before we proceed with the intense practical sessions, we will have the first few secessions in which we discuss the history and the basic concepts of block chain distributed applications and smart contracts.


In Session 1, we will discuss the history of block chain and distributed applications. Also we will check the basic structure of a block. Which is the building block of the block chain, which is a chain of these blocks.


In session 2, we will understand with the help of demographics, how these blocks are linked to form a block chain and the major security measures in blockchain which makes it this much secure.


In session 3, we will have a small discussion about the types of networks and the concept of crypto currencies like bitcoin which is built based on blockchain technology


In session 4, we will have an overview of what is mean by smart contracts based on blockchain and its working. Also we will discuss the various fields of applications of block chain at present and in the future.


And once we have enough basics about the concepts, we will jump directly into our first practical blokchain workshop. In which, we will build a working model of a conceptual blockchain out of simple JavaScript and JavaScript runtime called nodejs. Don't worry if you have only basic JavaScript knowledge, I will explain things very clearly that even a novice can understand and follow.


In session 5, we will prepare our computer by installing and configuring node js and visual studio code which will help us in developing the JavaScript blockchain


In sessions 6 we will create the class for a single block, which we will be using to create the block chain.


And in session 7, we will create our first block in the chain called genesis block.


In session 8, We will and the functionality to add new blocks so that we can create rest of the blocks


In session 9, we will test the block addition mechanism in our in our JavaScript block chain


and in session 10, we will implement hash verification, which is the most important security measure inside our block chain.


In the next session 11, we will include an additional security measure called proof of work to prevent the quick tampering attempts of our JavaScript block chain.


In session 12, we will implement the concept of mining rewards for the minors who mines and validate new blocks for our JavaScript block chain.


And thats all with our simple JavaScript conceptual blockchain application and from the next session on wards we are going to get our hands dirty with some serious business using the actual ethereum block chain network. In the coming sessions, we will create an ethereum based blockchain and deploy our smart contract within the ethereum block chain network. For your information, ethereum is the worlds most popular open source public blockchain platform.


So in session 13, we will be getting our systems ready to build our ethereum block chain by downloading and installing the dependencies which include nodejs, ganache, metamask solidity language, the truffle framework and sublime text editor for coding.


In session 14, we will configure these dependencies and we will do a basic test to make sure everything is ready to proceed with the development.


we will start building our blockchain smart contract project out of solidity and ethereum. This project is a simple contest application, for finding out the best actor, with two contestants Tom and Jerry. We will have to build a block chain based app to find who is getting the maximum viewer support.


In the next session 15, we will create the model and class to use for every contestant in the project and we will include tom and Jerry as contestants and


In session 16, we will fetch the contestant list using web3js, which is the library use to interact with the blockchain.


Since smart contract can be created once and cannot be altered, the testing procedure should be done strictly before deploying it into the blockchain network. If any mistake or bug, the only option you will have is to remove the existing contract and deploy the new one instead, which is very time consuming and inconvenient. So In session 17, the block chain will be tested by using the truffle framework's testing environment by emulating the transaction of creating users.


Till now, all the block chain interaction happens over the node js command line interface and the truffle framework command line. Now its time to make it appear to our customers or on-line users in an attractive web based front end, using a web page. In order to proceed with that, we will create the html part of the front end application in session 18 and in session 19, we will include the JavaScript part of the simple and beautiful html page we created and we will list the contestants in our best actor contest to the public by running the lite-server which comes along with the truffle framework.


In session 20, in addition to the contestants listing functionality, we will add the voting functionality also to our blockchain smart contract.


Since the members and non members of the network may use the voting app, we need to thoroughly check for the conditions and rules we implemented in the smart contract. We will test the functionality till now using the truffle framework testing mechanism in session 21


In session 22, we will include rules and restrictions for our best actor contest. Rules like, a user can vote only once and the user cannot vote for any non existing contestants.


Till now the voting can only be done via a command line. In session 22, in our simple web interface, we will include the functionality to cast vote to any contestant from our web page.



And in the final session, we will create an event watch which will listen for the event of voting and once the voting done, it will refresh the page and fetch data from the blockchain network so that the winner of the contest can be known every then and there.


Even though these are sample projects, it will surely give enough insight to your mind about how the blockchain can be included into your web or mobile projects. This course will also give you enough knowledge to get yourself ahead of others in the blockchain race which have already started.


After successful completion of the course, we will provide you with a course completion certificate which will add much value to your career as a developer, software engineer or as a software architect.


So lets jump into the future of technology using blockchain. See you soon in the class room. Wishing you a happy learning.

  • A Technology enthusiast with basic programming knowledge. A window, mac or linux computer.
  • Beginner programmer or technology enthusiast who wish to learn about blockchain technology and implement it in projects
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  • Section 1 : Course Introduction & Topics Included 1 Lectures 00:10:55

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Course Introduction & Topics Included Preview
  • Section 2 : Theory Session 1: Introduction to Blockchain - History and Structure of Blocks 1 Lectures 00:04:52

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Theory Session 1: Introduction to Blockchain - History and Structure of Blocks
  • Section 3 : Theory Session 2 - Blockchain Concept, Working and Security Mechanisms 1 Lectures 00:05:07

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Theory Session 2 - Blockchain Concept, Working and Security Mechanisms
  • Section 4 : Theory Session 3: Different Types of Networks, Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 1 Lectures 00:06:10

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Theory Session 3: Different Types of Networks, Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies
  • Section 5 : Theory Session 4 - Smart Contracts and Future of Blockchain 1 Lectures 00:03:13

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Theory Session 4 - Smart Contracts and Future of Blockchain
  • Section 6 : JavaScript & Nodejs based Conceptual Blockchain Implementation - System Setup 1 Lectures 00:06:51

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript & Nodejs based Conceptual Blockchain Implementation - System Setup
  • Section 7 : JavaScript Blockchain - Create Block Class - Part 1 1 Lectures 00:04:51

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Create Block Class - Part 1
  • Section 8 : JavaScript Blockchain - Create Block Class - Part 2 1 Lectures 00:06:35

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Create Block Class - Part 2
  • Section 9 : JavaScript Blockchain - Create Genesis Block 1 Lectures 00:04:38

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Create Genesis Block
  • Section 10 : JavaScript Blockchain - Create Other Blocks 1 Lectures 00:05:12

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Create Other Blocks
  • Section 11 : JavaScript Blockchain - Testing Blocks Addition 1 Lectures 00:06:38

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Testing Blocks Addition
  • Section 12 : JavaScript Blockchain - Implementing Security - Hash Validation 1 Lectures 00:09:23

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain - Implementing Security - Hash Validation
  • Section 13 : JavaScript Blockchain-Implementing Security - Proof of Work : Part 1 - The Logic 1 Lectures 00:06:34

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain-Implementing Security - Proof of Work : Part 1 - The Logic
  • Section 14 : JavaScript Blockchain-Implementing Security - Proof of Work : Part 2 - Implement 1 Lectures 00:11:26

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain-Implementing Security - Proof of Work : Part 2 - Implement
  • Section 15 : JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part1 - Building Logic 1 Lectures 00:09:55

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part1 - Building Logic
  • Section 16 : JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part2 - Cryptocurrency 1 Lectures 00:10:41

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part2 - Cryptocurrency
  • Section 17 : JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part3 - Cryptocurrency 1 Lectures 00:03:51

    • Lecture 1 :
    • JavaScript Blockchain-Transactions and Mining Rewards - Part3 - Cryptocurrency
  • Section 18 : Ethereum & Solidity Based Blockchain Smart Contract Web App - System Setup 1 Lectures 00:09:37

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum & Solidity Based Blockchain Smart Contract Web App - System Setup
  • Section 19 : Ethereum Blockchain - Best Actor Selection App . Build Contestant Class - Part 1 1 Lectures 00:08:32

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Best Actor Selection App . Build Contestant Class - Part 1
  • Section 20 : Ethereum Blockchain - Testing the Solidity Code Migration to Blockchain Network 1 Lectures 00:07:56

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Testing the Solidity Code Migration to Blockchain Network
  • Section 21 : Ethereum Blockchain - Creating Class & Accessing Contestant Class Data - Part 3 1 Lectures 00:05:55

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Creating Class & Accessing Contestant Class Data - Part 3
  • Section 22 : Ethereum Blockchain - Multiple Contestants Structure and Functions - Part 1 1 Lectures 00:11:04

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Multiple Contestants Structure and Functions - Part 1
  • Section 23 : Ethereum Blockchain - Add, List and Count Multiple Contestants , Deploy - Part 2 1 Lectures 00:07:25

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Add, List and Count Multiple Contestants , Deploy - Part 2
  • Section 24 : Ethereum Blockchain - Fetch Contestant Attributes, get accounts using web3js 1 Lectures 00:08:43

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Fetch Contestant Attributes, get accounts using web3js
  • Section 25 : Ethereum Blockchain - Logic Test 1 - Prior to Smart Contract Deployment 1 Lectures 00:11:32

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Logic Test 1 - Prior to Smart Contract Deployment
  • Section 26 : Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the front-end HTML page 1 Lectures 00:10:44

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the front-end HTML page
  • Section 27 : Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the JavaScript Code - Part1 1 Lectures 00:08:56

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the JavaScript Code - Part1
  • Section 28 : Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the JavaScript Code - Part2 1 Lectures 00:08:04

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Building the JavaScript Code - Part2
  • Section 29 : Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Build the UI Render Function - Part3 1 Lectures 00:06:28

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Build the UI Render Function - Part3
  • Section 30 : Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Testing the Web UI - Part 4 1 Lectures 00:14:12

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Listing Contestants - Testing the Web UI - Part 4
  • Section 31 : Ethereum Blockchain - Build, Implement and Test the Voting Mechanism 1 Lectures 00:15:56

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Build, Implement and Test the Voting Mechanism
  • Section 32 : Ethereum Blockchain - Testing Voting using Truffle Built-in Testing Environment 1 Lectures 00:08:49

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Testing Voting using Truffle Built-in Testing Environment
  • Section 33 : Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Validation and Restrictions to Voting functionality 1 Lectures 00:10:56

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Validation and Restrictions to Voting functionality
  • Section 34 : Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Voting Function to Web UI - Part 1 1 Lectures 00:09:25

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Voting Function to Web UI - Part 1
  • Section 35 : Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Voting Function to Web UI - Part 2 1 Lectures 00:06:18

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Voting Function to Web UI - Part 2
  • Section 36 : Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Event Watcher to Voting Functionality 1 Lectures 00:06:11

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Ethereum Blockchain - Adding Event Watcher to Voting Functionality
  • Section 37 : Ethereum Blockchain -STEPS - TROUBLESHOOTING WEB UI 1 Lectures 00:02:25

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Troubleshoot web UI - Data not appearing
  • Section 38 : SOURCE CODE ATTACHED 3 Lectures

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Lecture 3 :
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