Mr Amit Daiman is a scientific consultant in Remote Sensing and GIS, a young professional & commission member (expert) in CEM- IUCN, Switzerland, for the south Asia network and an honorary member in ICCAs, Switzerland. He has also worked as a senior researcher in Madhya Pradesh Resource Atlas (MPRA) Division, Remote Sensing Application Center (RSAC), Madhya Pradesh Council Of Science & Technology (MPCOST), Vigyan Bhawan, Bhopal- India, Jr. researcher/MPCOST, GIS assistant/MPCOST, research assistant/Centre for Policy Studies (CPS, New Delhi), project intern/MPCOST and college lecturer/UoR (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur).
He has held good experience in the field of earth science, physical geography, remote sensing, digital cartography, remote sensing and machine learning, climate science, water science, digital image processing, geoinformatics, hydroinformatics, modelling and information systems development, project management, data analysis using quantitative & qualitative methods, database management and spatial analysis (8 Year Experience).
He holds MS in Hydroinformatics from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education - the Netherlands, an MSc in Remote Sensing & Geoinformatics (school of space science) from MDS University Ajmer - India, an MSc in geography from the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - India. He received several distinguished awards and honours. He has published 10+ peer-reviewed papers, including chapters and resource atlases. He is a part of many scientific organisations and societies like CEM-IUCN, the Indian Society of Geomatics, ICCAs etc. His prime interest is to take Remote Sensing and GIS technology to the grassroots level to help resolve many issues like climate change, desertification, land degradation, water resources, biodiversity, livelihood and conservation of nature.