I am a passionate blogger and trainer having 12 years of experience in Software Testing field. My aim is to provide the best, in-detailed, easy, step by step, practical and organized software testing courses in the market for affordable prices. The following are my strengths:
- I have a very unique way of teaching, which doesn't include much of technical jargons and helps the students understand Software Testing concepts in the easiest way possible.
- Through out my experience, I did a lot of work on various aspects of Software Testing, which I will be using in my courses to teach in the best way possible.
- Through out my courses, you will find the content with in-depth explanation assisted by good number of hands-on coding demonstrations, which will help you to not only just learn the theoretical concepts but also apply them in your day to day job needs.
- I can confidently say that you will find my courses worth your time and a rewarding experience.
- The content in my courses is finalized after taking numerous off-line/on-line training sessions including feedback from all my students.
- I regularly update the content and add more topics on a frequent basis, so that it is up to date with the market requirements.
- Throughout the course, I will always be available to guide you so that you can make the most of it.