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Mayur Bardolia

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Instructor Biography

Hi, I’m Mayur Bardolia I’m a great failure. Or at least, I would have been… I have left the college with Textile Engineering degree many years ago. The journey went through 50+ Jobs (Yes, that’s right!) in the shortest span my life. The story was supposed to go like everyone else. Go to college, get high grades, get a job at multinational company with handsome salary, waste the most precious time of your life doing work you hate, save money, pay bills, pay more bills, retire, get sick, and die But I did not want to live like that. I always wanted to do something different and something big. My personal philosophy had always been: I’d rather be a BIG failure than average success. I always loved adventure and freedom. And the one goal I’d always had was to live a full life. At my deathbed, I just wanted to leave the world thinking… “Yeah, I did it. I lived a grandiose adventure.” You know? So… I always wanted the whole world or nothing. My family, my friends, my colleagues and almost everyone around me wanted me to follow what others were doing. I refused to follow others. Everyone hated this. Thanks to some of my teachers, friends and mentors, I could create my own path. I got interested to know how people function in their life. I was curious about how some people run their life effortlessly and most people keep struggling. I closely worked with some of the finest and sharpest people and I realised that things are a lot simpler than it looks. No matter how bad the situation is, they found the way out. They figure things out. I started training people with some of the cutting edge psychological tools called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Psychology, Behaviour Science etc. Helping others to solve their problems became my obsession and eventually, my expertise and profession. I got good results but along the way, all of my clients taught me something I could never learn from any schools or colleges. I started teaching students loving what they do and understanding the process to get ahead in life. When my students or clients get great results, that brings a smile on my face and of course good sleep at the end of the day. What else could be more fulfilling?!! I finally realised I am living my life on my own way. The more challenges I solved for clients, the more I learned. But, even after getting great results, I still felt like there is something missing. I started doing research and working with small to medium entrepreneurs. There was not one challenge, there were countless challenges. BUT, they are all connected somehow. I found out how they are applied in business. One of the best people I am interested in working with are “Business Owners”. Because, each business is adding some value in the market and shaping the community and world as a whole. Yet, most business owners are looking frustrated because of poor cash flow, lack time for themselves and families. Above all, they all look sad because they didn’t start their business to work endlessly. They look tired and negative. Instead of dreaming of enjoying the freedom to live life on their own terms, they are working more number of hours than their employees. They can’t pay even themselves at the end of each month. I got obsessed with showing them how they can live with freedom. My clients’ results matter to me more than anything else. What’s best for my clients is what’s best for me and everyone. I started helping these business owners to run their business without losing money, time and peace of mind. I learned about and implementing different subjects. I took the time and efforts to understand Philosophy, Business & Science. Things started to change from now on. I looked elsewhere and noticed that most consultants and coaches are using the same outdated techniques and expecting different results. From scratch and with little steps, I reformed the world’s education and employment systems through my scientific method of business creation. I invented 4 Pillars Framework that helps business people to grow their business. How most people are seeing reality, I started changing the way people view reality. I learned from some of the best of the best consultants and coaches from all over the world. Brandon Burchard, Frank Kern, Dan Kennedy, Sam Ovens, Eben Pagan, Sean D’Souza, Grant Cardone etc. I mastered the art of business creation and created a new paradigm and world view so that the average people could start and grow their own business and perceive reality in a new way. I teach people to love their business. Some of my highlights.. => Love to wake up at 5 am. It gives me an instant boost of calmness, peace and creativity when everyone is still in bed. => People tell me that I stop at nothing to win and get things done no matter what. I am not too sure. I still regret the things I wish I could have achieved before. => You will always find me early for every appointment. I hate to be late. I never want to keep people wait for me when they expect me. => I love to make things simpler. => Philosophy, Business and Science are my favourite topics. => If you get in touch with me, you will get the reply within 24-48 hours. But let me tell you something very clearly I write and create to myself, never do I preach to you. I’m not a blogger. I’m not a sensational Youtuber. I’m certainly not a motivational speaker. I’m not a self-help guru. I’m not any of those things. I hate self-help with a passion. Self-help gurus who constantly preach and preach make me feel headache and vomiting. (I don’t know but I believe that it’s pointless to give motivation without a perfect science, system and tools. I don’t want to misguide people with just plain words of fantasy.) I eliminate all distractions. I keep the main thing the main thing. I create success for others and that’s my success. Successes, failures, and heartbreaks. I talk about it all. Most people only give you good. I like to give you everything. Yes…EVERYTHING! From my highest of highs, celebrating the success of a new business…to my lowest of lows. In between, I also crack a few jokes that’ll either have you dying laughing or fuel you with an overwhelming urge to punch me in the face. Either way, I’m good. And that’s because… I try not to take life seriously. We’re all going to be dead soon. Why stress? Let’s enjoy these moments. Live it up. And create one spectacular life that we can all look back at and say… “Wow. What a ride.” What’s next? It always brings immense pleasure when I see other people change themselves and change their lives for the better. People aren’t “FIXED”. They are creating themselves bit by bit and you too can create your new version and be whoever you want to be. My students have become my best friends and I like to celebrate their success at each stage of the journey. What’s good about my students is what’s good about me. What began as a struggle, became an idea, which struck a nerve and became a movement. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Who are you? How’d you find me? What are your goals? What type of business are you in? And how can I help you get to where you want to go, quicker? Send me an email. Introduce yourself. Give me the rundown. Maybe we’ll end up working together. Maybe we’ll even end up becoming friends. Let’s revolutionize your life., and I’d love if you join me!

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