Founder at BullishFX Consultancy. Entrepreneur, Technical Analyst, FX Mentor, Professional Forex Trader.
Effective and malleable human being. It all started by attending seminar after seminar, you know those free ones where they eventually ask you to enroll at the end. I started in 2013 when one of my friends introduced Bitcoin to me, he suggested I must look into it and see if its something I can do. After that I started doing my own research and studying on YouTube. I came to realize that Bitcoin was not my piece of cake. I ventured into Forex and started learning from scratch. I took several Forex Courses, enrolled to a lot of mentorship service, I was so determined that I will make it in Forex.
September 2016, I started trading Forex professionally, that was after 3 years of studying, learning and trying everything out there, I was making mistakes and was not making much money like what most retail traders do. I decided to start doing my own market research, determined that I would develop a trading strategy that would make me consistent in my trades. It was hard, I had to put in the work, hours and hours of chart analysis and technical analysis experimenting with a wide array of trading systems and methodologies none of which proved to be as consistent as I had hoped.
After all the above I discovered the trading method that changed my life, Institutional Supply & Demand.
I have created these courses to help anyone out there who would like to venture into this industry because I know how difficult it is to trade Forex. Am not going to promise you wealth overnight, however with hard work and commitment, Forex trading can drastically change your life like it did mine. I have created these courses as the first step to equip you with the knowledge to make a steady and comfortable living trading Forex.
I took a chance 7 years ago with Forex and it has carried me literally from nothing to something and still growing. Now I trade Forex for a living at BullishFX Consultancy a company that I started in 2017, you can do anything you put your mind to!