This plan includes
- Limited free courses access
- Play & Pause Course Videos
- Video Recorded Lectures
- Learn on Mobile/PC/Tablet
- Quizzes and Real Projects
- Lifetime Course Certificate
- Email & Chat Support
What you'll learn?
- Self-Discipline
- Self control
- Discipline
- Willpower
- Personal development
- You will learn the self-discipline you need to live the life you want to live.
Course Overview
- A willingness to try new techniques
- A desire to become more self-disciplined
Target Audience
- Engineers
- Professionals
- Executives
- Students
- Individuals craving stronger self-discipline
Curriculum 35 Lectures
Section 1 : You Can Become the Master of Yourself
- Lecture 2 :
- Quick Win! Discipline Yourself The Way Big Corporations Manipulate Behavior
- Lecture 3 :
- This Is What Self-Discipline Is and Why It Matters to You
- Lecture 4 :
- The Ugly Truth Most Experts Won't Tell You about Self-Discipline
- Lecture 5 :
- This Is Your Number 1 Self-Discipline Goal
- Lecture 6 :
- You Can Control Your Actions and Behaviors to Benefit Your Long-term Interests
- Lecture 7 :
- You Are Already Well-Disciplined, Just Not By Yourself
- Lecture 8 :
- You Can Use the Power of Corporate Advertising to Impose Self-Discipline
- Lecture 9 :
- This is Why You Might Want to Listen to TJ Walker
- Lecture 10 :
- There is a Facebook Page Set Up Just for You Here
Section 2 : The Selfie Programming Method for Gaining Self-Discipline
- Lecture 1 :
- You Can Program Yourself
- Lecture 2 :
- The Selfie Speak Program, SSP, Is the Easiest Way To Influence Self-Discipline
- Lecture 3 :
- Here is Exactly How You make a Selfie Speak Program for Self-Discipline
- Lecture 4 :
- Here Is the Selfie Speak Program I Listen to Every Day
- Lecture 5 :
- The Selfiie Media Program
- Lecture 6 :
- This Is How You Make Your Own Selfie Media Program
- Lecture 7 :
- It's a Little Personal, But I'm Going to Show You My Own Selfie Media Program
- Lecture 8 :
- TJ's Selfie Media Program
- Lecture 9 :
- Selfie Text Programming
- Lecture 10 :
- Laying Our Your Selfie Text Programming
Section 3 : Create Your Own SSP Now
- Lecture 1 :
- Time to Make a Decision
- Lecture 2 :
- Make Your Own Selfie Media Program
- Lecture 3 :
- Create the Final Leg, Your Selfie Text Program
Section 4 : The Seven Habit Spheres of Self Discipline
- Lecture 1 :
- All of Your Habits Fit Into these 7 Spheres
- Lecture 2 :
- Sphere 1 - Personal Control Over Your Time
- Lecture 3 :
- Sphere 2 - Your Health
- Lecture 4 :
- Sphere 3 - Strong Relationships
- Lecture 5 :
- Sphere 4 - You Need Fun
- Lecture 6 :
- Sphere 5 - You are a Self-Learner
- Lecture 7 :
- Sphere 6 You Are a Creator
- Lecture 8 :
- Sphere 7 Your Wealth Accumulation
- Lecture 9 :
- Put Your Self-Discipline to Work Now
- Lecture 10 :
- The Magic Frequency of Exposure to Your Self Discipline Goals
Section 5 : Conclusion Your Path to Permanent Self-Discipline
- Lecture 1 :
- Learn the Self-Discipline Of Asking for Feedback and Criticism
- Lecture 2 :
- Congratulations - You Now Have the Self-Discipline to Live Life On Your Terms
Our learners work at
Frequently Asked Questions
How do i access the course after purchase?
It's simple. When you sign up, you'll immediately have unlimited viewing of thousands of expert courses, paths to guide your learning, tools to measure your skills and hands-on resources like exercise files. There’s no limit on what you can learn and you can cancel at any time.Are these video based online self-learning courses?
Yes. All of the courses comes with online video based lectures created by certified instructors. Instructors have crafted these courses with a blend of high quality interactive videos, lectures, quizzes & real world projects to give you an indepth knowledge about the topic.Can i play & pause the course as per my convenience?
Yes absolutely & thats one of the advantage of self-paced courses. You can anytime pause or resume the course & come back & forth from one lecture to another lecture, play the videos mulitple times & so on.How do i contact the instructor for any doubts or questions?
Most of these courses have general questions & answers already covered within the course lectures. However, if you need any further help from the instructor, you can use the inbuilt Chat with Instructor option to send a message to an instructor & they will reply you within 24 hours. You can ask as many questions as you want.Do i need a pc to access the course or can i do it on mobile & tablet as well?
Brilliant question? Isn't it? You can access the courses on any device like PC, Mobile, Tablet & even on a smart tv. For mobile & a tablet you can download the Learnfly android or an iOS app. If mobile app is not available in your country, you can access the course directly by visting our website, its fully mobile friendly.Do i get any certificate for the courses?
Yes. Once you complete any course on our platform along with provided assessments by the instructor, you will be eligble to get certificate of course completion.For how long can i access my course on the platform?
You require an active subscription to access courses on our platform. If your subscription is active, you can access any course on our platform with no restrictions.Is there any free trial?
Currently, we do not offer any free trial.Can i cancel anytime?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will auto-renew until you cancel, but why would you want to?

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11 Courses